
Biking Peru From The Andes To The Amazon

Price from
US$ 4,500
11 Days / 10 Nights
380 km
Tour Code
Next departure
Number of Cycling Days7
Average Distance Per Day: 55
150 Km
Average Climbing Per Day: 229
2,250 m
5 Star
Total Cycling Distance380 kilometres
Bike HireFull Suspension Mountain Bike: US$ 350, E-Bike*: US$ 695
Single SupplementUS$ 775
*E-bikes are in limited supply, please enquire to reserve one.

About this Cycle Tour

Peru is a remarkably diverse country. One day you find yourself in the heartland of the Incas perched high in the Andean mountains, and the next you are surrounded by the dense jungle canopy of Amazon Rainforest. This mountain bike tour has been designed to capture this contrast at its most spectacular, utilizing a network of roads and trails that span the Sacred Valley of the Incas and parts of Manu National Park in the Amazon Basin. Included in the tour is a visit to Machu Picchu, simply a must-see when visiting Peru!

Starting in Cusco, one of the world’s highest altitude cities (3,300 m ASL) and the former capital of the Inca Empire, we ride north surrounded by towering peaks and scenic valleys where agricultural terraces cascade down the hillsides. We then rise to the Peruvian Altiplano before making a gradual yet epic descent to Manu National Park, experiencing a mesmerizing visual shift as we drop from the edge of the Andes to the cloud forest of the Amazon. We spend a day at a remote lodge in the jungle (only accessible by river boat!) before returning to the Sacred Valley of the Incas where we enjoy 3 days of blissful cycling to discover Incan ruins, colorful towns, indigenous villages, the picturesque Maras Salt Pans and oh so much more. On Day 9 we visit the “Lost City of the Incas” – Machu Picchu – and we’ll get there and back via one of the world’s most stunning train journeys. A hallmark of this tour is the frequency of exhilarating downhill blitzes, and we save some of the best for last when, on Day 10, we ride 1,500 m downhill from the Lares Valley into the town of Calca. The tour concludes back in Cusco.

Join us on this once-in-a lifetime Peruvian odyssey highlighting the very best of the Sacred Valley of the Incas with an exhilarating descent into the Amazon Rainforest!

Book Your Cycling Holiday


Day 1

We meet in Cusco to get oriented and acclimated. We will stroll along the cobble-stoned streets to discover the city’s historical wonders and in the evening we’ll have a group briefing and dinner.

Day 2

We leave Cusco, riding downhill to Huambutio where we’ll diverge from the main road and take a less-traveled path along the Urubamba River. We are surrounded by towering peaks, lush valleys, and time-honored Incan terraces. We arrive in Pisac in time to walk through its vibrant artisan market.

Day 3

We transfer to the soaring heights of the Altiplano and cycle downhill into the Amazon Basin accompanied by spectacular views of the Andes and the rainforest. This is a truly remarkable visual shift, dropping off the edge of the Andes and into the cloud forest of the Amazon.

Day 4

We continue to venture deeper into the Amazon rainforest. The road today is downhill, passing many small villages along dirt trails that dissect the dense jungle canopy. We arrive at Atalaya, gateway to Manu National Park, and take a boat to the remote Amazonia Jungle Lodge.

Day 5

Take a day off the bikes to explore Manu National Park, one of the world’s most incredible, diverse and fragile ecosystems. There are options for jungle walks and birdwatching which you can choose from on the spot.

Day 6

We take the boat back to Atalaya and then return to Pisac and the Sacred Valley of the Incas via vehicle transfer. While the drive is mostly uphill, we will be tempted by two spectacular downhill sections where you have the option of getting on the bikes.

Day 7

Today we explore lovely back roads and dirt tracks along the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We will be passing through a series of colorful villages and towns set against the beautiful backdrop of glaciated mountains and Incan ruins. Our destination is the charming village of Ollantaytambo.

Day 8

Based out of Ollantaytambo we embark on a great ride along the fringes of the Sacred Valley. We first climb up to the fascinating Incan ruins at Moray before enjoying lunch along the shores of Lake Huaypo. We then ride on dirt tracks to the scenic Maras Salt Pans.

Day 9

Today is off the saddle as we set out to visit the most splendid Incan mountaintop ruins of all: Machu Picchu. We will get there and back via scenic train rides along the Sacred Valley and enjoy an extensive walking tour of the sanctuary.

Day 10

On our final ride we will descend into the remote Lares Valley, known for its medicinal hot springs, before concluding with a “downhill of a lifetime" as we roll from the heights of the Andes into the historic main square of Calca. Our final night is spent back in Cusco.

Day 11

Feel free to extend your stay in Cusco or head to the airport to get to your next destination.

Elevation Profiles

Day 2 - Cusco - Pisac Ride 54km. +100m / -400m.
Day 2 - Cusco - Pisac Ride 54km. +100m / -400m.

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