Macedonia Trails

Price from
US$ 1,650
8 Days / 7 Nights
285 km
Tour Code
Next departure
Number of Cycling Days6
Average Distance Per Day: 57
150 Km
Total Cycling Distance285 kilometres
Bike HireMountain Bike: US$ 200
Single SupplementUS$ 195

About this Cycle Tour

This small Balkan country is full of splendid highlights and discovering this cultural land by bike is an invigorating and enriching experience. Macedonia is simultaneously ancient and modern – stately Orthodox monks in their black robes amble alongside the fashionable elite in the stylish bars of Skopje.

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Book Your Cycling Holiday


Day 1

Arrive in Skope and transfer 1 hour to Popova Shapka, where we'll have a bike fitting and dinner.

Day 2

Today's ride takes us into the mountains of Shar Planina on dirt roads close to the Kosovo border. We cycle into Leshnica Valley and overnight on the southern shores of Lake Mavrorov.

Day 3

We're now warmed up for a new challenge as we cycle through stunning Mavrovo National Park, home to Macedonia's highest peak, Mt Korab (2,764 m).

Day 4

Biking into the Bistra Mountains takes us alongside the emerald green Mavrovo Lake, with visits to villages such as Galicnik with well-preserved traditional architecture, including an amphitheatre. Transfer to our hotel in Ohrid.

Day 5

After a sightseeing tour in the morning enjoy the picturesque and relaxing setting of Ohrid, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed for both its cultural and natural attractions.

Day 6

We return with our bikes to the mountains, tackling the grand Galicica Mountain we pass through beautiful pastures and the bright floral life.

Day 7

Our last ride is to nearby Vodno Mountain, where a cable car whisks us up to the top, which is the base of the Millennium Cross. We then hit single-track trails and a quiet road to Matka Canyon.

Day 8

Our tour ends after breakfast, but you can explore Skopje.

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Tours in: Macedonia